SOK Used Speechly to Get More Customers to Shop Groceries Online
SOK, one of the largest retailers in the Nordics, created a voice-enabled grocery shopping application for the iPhone.
Success Stories
Retail Industry
40,000+ employees
- 5.14
Sessions per week
- 24.9%
Conversion rate
- 70%
Of users never purchased groceries online before
- 60
Improving a slow shopping experience
SOK, Finland’s largest grocery store cooperative, had developed an ecommerce store for their increasingly digitally savvy customers. However allowing their customers to build their regular grocery shopping baskets from their over 90,000 SKUs proved to be relatively slow and cumbersome for their customers.
Photograph by Marcus O’Leary.
New customers to online channels
To make the shopping experience easier, SOK used Speechly technology to build a voice-enabled shopping basket iOS application called “S-ostoslista” that contains over 90,000+ grocery and general merchandise SKUs. Users can use the app to create, share and buy their shopping lists using their voice.
While grocery online shopping is growing fast, most people still haven’t ever purchased groceries online. Intuitive and efficient creation of grocery shopping cart enabled SOK to gain new customers.
We chose Speechly because they had the best speech recognition service and we can utilize it with our own data, which is not possible with Apple or Google or similar capabilities.
Harri Laaksonen
Ecommerce Development Manager, S-Group